About the Assafs

NSU College of Nursing Renamed

Former Chairman of NSU’s Board of Trustees Ronald G. Assaf and his wife Kathy have a history of dedication to civic causes. They have made a profound impact on the South Florida community and that impact has been enhanced thanks to their latest gift to Nova Southeastern University.

With the Assafs' generous 2018 gift, the NSU College of Nursing was renamed the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing. Their giving will support scholarships for students, provide faculty research support, and bolster community service. The couple has a long-standing commitment to NSU, having made donations in the past that were targeted for undergraduate students as well as research for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in the NSU Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine.

“We were motivated to support a program that will impact so many people throughout Florida and improve their well-being,” Ron Assaf said. “Kathy and I have been involved with NSU for many years and appreciate the value this university brings to our communities. We hope our commitment inspires others to join us in supporting NSU.” 

This gift was announced during NSU’s annual Celebration of Excellence gala event in 2018. Also at the event, another gift was announced that will rename the NSU College of Allopathic Medicine to the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD). These two gifts have the distinction of helping NSU achieve the $250 million goal for its Realizing Potential campaign three years ahead of schedule.

You can read more about these achievements at nova.edu/RPgifts.